Web Accessibility 101 - Compliance and Standards |
This article will discuss UK based Accessibility Compliance and the development standards around ensuring that your project will pass Accessibility testing and validation.
This is the second in a series of planned articles dealing with Web Accessibility. In this series I will cover what is Accessibility, how to build Accessibility into web projects, how to test and validate for Accessible users and a few other factors to keep in mind when dealing with Accessibly minded projects.
Why develop cross browser designs - why not code to specific browser strengths? |
I've been working for a marketing Agency for the best part of a year now, and one of the things that always rear's its head in a digital project is the compatibility of designs in multiple browsers.
We have all encountered differences in design compatibility and functionality due to the browser vendor and version number, but the usual course of action is try and code solutions that address the differences in browsers in an effort to make them look and work in the same way.
This article examines why that is the case, and I put forward the argument that by doing this you are spending valuable project time trying to ensure the same user experience on different browsers, when it may be a much better idea to use that same development time coding to the strengths of each of those browsers, to create a more rich user experience instead of a more generic one.
CSS 3 Rounded Corners Example |
My curiosity into CSS 3 was piqued at Scotch on the Rocks 2010 this year. There was a very good presentation from Chris Mills from Opera http://twitter.com/chrisdavidmills where he touched on some of the new CSS 3 and HTML 5 functionality that some of the modern browsers are taking advantage of. I particularly liked some of the really simple, but visual CSS 3 changes, in this case rounded corners.
This article is a quick example of how to add rounded corner styling to your designs.
Adding fck Rich Text Editor to your Coldfusion forms & customising the Toolbar set |
Whilst writing a Content Management System (CMS) recently I thought I'd take the time to go over some Coldfusion 8 functionality that passed me by when it was released.
In Coldfusion 8 the fck editor was included as part of the server installation. This article deals with integrating it into your forms, and how to build a custom tool bar set to manage the options displayed with it.