Shaun Mccran

My digital playground


Using the JQuery dataTables plugin to display dynamic data in tables: part 1

Rather than writing out long winded table code to display your data in a tabulated fashion why not use the dataTables JQuery plugin to do it for you?

In this blog entry I'll be generating tables using a JQuery plugin, but I will also be generating the JQuery code from an XML document.

The theory behind the dataTables JQuery plugin is that when the template loads it makes an AJAX request to a remotely specified template. That template returns a JSON object of data which is formatted and used in a tabular display. This means that you can perfom filtering and sort functions inline, and the JQuery simply re submits the AJAX request, receiving new JSON each time. So no refreshing.

I'll be dealing with the auto generation of the JSON back end in the second part of this article. Here is how I setup the tabular display.

Build a standard html template, including the CSS and JQuery plugins.

view plain print about
2<html lang="en-GB">
4<InvalidTag http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" lang="en">
5<InvalidTag name="language" content="en-GB">
7<style type="text/css" title="currentStyle">
8    @import "demo_page.css";
9    @import "demo_table.css";
12<s/cript type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
13<s/cript type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="jquery.dataTables.js"></script>

Next we build our JQuery function. I wont go into massive detail about all the parameters and values being passed in here, but it is well documented on

view plain print about
1<s/cript type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
2$(document).ready(function() {
3                $('#example').dataTable( {
4                    "bProcessing": true,
5                    "bServerSide": true,
6                    "sAjaxSource": "content.cfm",
7                    "aoColumns": [
8{ "sName": "Edit", "sTitle": "Edit", "sWidth":"10%"} ,
9{ "sName": "Band", "sTitle": "Band"} ,
10{ "sName": "Genre","sTitle": "Genre"} ,
11{ "sTitle": "Fake Column"}
13                    "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
14                    "aaSorting": [[1,'asc']],
15                    "oLanguage": {
16                        "sLengthMenu": "Page length: _MENU_",
17                        "sSearch": "Filter:"
18                    }
19                } );
20            } );

The really important column here is the "aoColumns" JSON data block. This specifies what fields are returned from your AJAX call, and parameters they must adhere to.

In this example we are anticipating that we will receive four columns of data back (Edit,Band,Genre and Fake Column).

Lastly we create a table with an ID of "example", as this is what the JQuery is looking for. This table must be formatted in a certain way, as the JQuery plugin will re write the specified elements.

view plain print about
1<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="example">
4 <th>Edit</th>
5 <th>Band</th>
6 <th>Genre</th>
7 <th>Fake Column</th>
10 <tbody>
11 <tr>
12 <td colspan="3" class="dataTables_empty">Loading data from server</td>
13 </tr>
14 </tbody>

The code also contains the header elements that will match the returned column values from the AJAX request. The last part of the table is displayed when the data is loading.

This all works well, but to extend it further I have altered the code to read from an XML document. The XML document Is loaded when the template starts, and the data fields and attributes are read, and looped over to create the JQuery code and table headers. In this way it is a generic table display template, driven from an XML document.

The XML doc:

view plain print about
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <form>
3 <field sName="Edit" source="data" sTitle="Edit" sWidth="10%">Edit</field>
4 <field sName="Band" source="data" sTitle="Band">Band</field>
5 <field sName="Genre" source="data" sTitle="Genre">Genre</field>
6 <field sName="fake column" source="" sTitle="Fake Column">Fake column</field>
7 </form>

Read the XML file and parse it out into an Array:

view plain print about
1<!--- parse the xml file --->
2<cfset variables.xml = XMLParse("test.xml") />
3<!--- <cfdump var="#variables.xml#" label="Raw xml document"> --->
4<cfset variables.fields = XMLSearch(variables.xml,"form/field")>
5<cfset variables.totalRecords = ArrayLen(variables.fields)>

Use something like this to dynamically generate the JQuery and table values:

view plain print about
2<cfloop index="variables.index" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(variables.fields)#">
3 { <cfif variables.fields[variables.index].XmlAttributes.source EQ "data">"sName": "#variables.fields[variables.index].XmlAttributes.sName#",</cfif>
4 <cfif structkeyexists(variables.fields[variables.index].XmlAttributes, 'sTitle')>"sTitle": "#variables.fields[variables.index].XmlAttributes.sTitle#"</cfif>
5 <cfif structkeyexists(variables.fields[variables.index].XmlAttributes, 'sWidth')>,"sWidth":"#variables.fields[variables.index].XmlAttributes.sWidth#"</cfif>
6 } <cfif variables.index NEQ variables.totalRecords>,</cfif>
9<!--- table values --->
12 <cfloop index="variables.index" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(variables.fields)#">
13 <th align="left">#variables.fields[variables.index].XmlText#</th>
14 </cfloop>

The JSON response is hard coded in this example, so the result will not filter or search. I'll handle that in article two.

There is a full example of this here.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Brian Swartzfager's Gravatar Hey, Shaun, just one nitpicky point--you said:

"The theory behind the dataTables JQuery plugin is that when the template loads it makes an AJAX request to a remotely specified template."

...that seems to imply that the plugin REQUIRES you to provide the table data via AJAX, which isn't the case: you can simply output an HTML table in your page and then apply the plugin to that table to provide filtering, sorting, and pagination.

Certainly there are some cases where requesting the data via AJAX makes sense (especially with large data sets), but other times it's overkill.

dataTables is a great plugin, though, definitely my current favorite for managing tabular data.
# Posted By Brian Swartzfager | 25/02/2010 13:35
Shaun McCran's Gravatar Hi Brian,
Thats a good point, one I had overlooked. I don't think I can remember the last time I wrote a table that wasn't data driven! That being siad it is still very handy functionality, I'll give it a go, and see how it works without the AJAX call.

# Posted By Shaun McCran | 25/02/2010 14:19
Brian Swartzfager's Gravatar @Shaun: My tables are data-driven as well, but I simply generate the rows by looping through a query result (cfloop/cfoutput) on the page itself (as the page is processed via ColdFusion on the server), so the page is returned to the user with a full HTML table right from the start.

That way, if the user for some reason has Javascript turned off, they at least get a "dumb" table of data. If the data in the table is only ever provided by an AJAX call, folks with Javascript turned off (a rarity, admittedly) will just get an empty table.
# Posted By Brian Swartzfager | 25/02/2010 14:29
Ritha's Gravatar Thanks for the post Shaun. It helped me a lot.
# Posted By Ritha | 11/03/2010 20:51
Shaun McCran's Gravatar @Ritha glad to help.

I plan on writing a second article dealing with building the JSON response as well.
# Posted By Shaun McCran | 11/03/2010 22:31
Tim Brown's Gravatar Any progress on part 2? I'm working on making the ajax source return a query and convert it to proper json format for data tables. The return is correct. How do you get the return from the ajax call to re-draw (reload the table)..

One exmple i saw said to do this...but I couldn't get it to work. I think I'm missing something small..

if (typeof oTable == 'undefined') {
oTable = $('#commentstable').dataTable({
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"iDisplayLength": 150,
"bLengthChange": false,
"sAjaxSource": "datatables_comments_list.php"
} else {
oTable.fnClearTable( 0 );

seems unclear what
if (typeof oTable == 'undefined') --is checking against exactly..

Any help would be much appreciated.
# Posted By Tim Brown | 25/04/2010 03:47
Shaun McCran's Gravatar Hi @Tim

Thanks for the feedback, I've been meaning to write the second part, so here it is:

It is pretty much and end to end example, using Coldfusion but you should be able to see what is happening. The Json response from the server relies more on web standards than any sort of proprietary code.
# Posted By Shaun McCran | 29/04/2010 18:17
various's Gravatar i am getting this error!

$("#displayData").dataTable is not a function
# Posted By various | 10/08/2011 03:16
Shaun's Gravatar Could be for a few different reasons:

Are you successfully loading JQuery?

Is #displayData a valid selector? IE the element exists?

Have you got any JavaScript errors on the page? If you do then it will probably all break.
# Posted By Shaun | 10/08/2011 03:30
Sam's Gravatar Thank you for your kind information. Actually I was very much sad that I couldn’t display dynamic data in tables. I have tried many methods and those were all failures. Now I am very happy in getting the perfect way to do this job.
# Posted By Sam | 29/07/2015 21:17
cardsharing's Gravatar Thats a good point, one I had overlooked. I don't think I can remember the last time I wrote a table that wasn't data driven!
# Posted By cardsharing | 08/10/2015 00:48
josephine's Gravatar Hmm now that you said about the usage of jquery, I will start trying to use it as much as I can. The entry once gets approved will generate many tables as I experienced at last time. Hope everything goes according to the plan.
# Posted By josephine | 28/10/2015 04:39
Johny's Gravatar I am very happy to read this post and also it is an actual boon for me getting the easiest way to use the JQuery data tables plugin to display dynamic data in tables. Thank you very much for sharing this post!
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