Shaun Mccran

My digital playground


Adding fck Rich Text Editor to your Coldfusion forms & customising the Toolbar set

Whilst writing a Content Management System (CMS) recently I thought I'd take the time to go over some Coldfusion 8 functionality that passed me by when it was released.

In Coldfusion 8 the fck editor was included as part of the server installation. This article deals with integrating it into your forms, and how to build a custom tool bar set to manage the options displayed with it.

The fck editor is attached to a cftextarea element, so make sure your form tag is a cfform tag. Now add two more values to the cftextarea, a 'richText=1' value, which enabled the fck Editor functionality.

view plain print about
1<cftextarea name="txtContent" width="600" height="200" id="txtContent" richtext="1" toolbar="MyCustomToolbar">#attributes.txtContent#</cftextarea>

There are two pre defined Toolsets 'Basic' and 'Default'. If you do not set the 'toolbar=' value it will default to the 'Default' toolbar (its not just a clever name!). This is read from the 'fckconfig.js' file, which is located in the 'webroot\CFIDE\scripts\ajax\FCKeditor\' directory.

If you want to define a custom toolbar set then you can create another element like the existing 'default'. There are a few rules around the structure, like surrounding your toolbar set with double quotes and square brackets. The '-' element adds a vertical line divider, and the '/' element forces a line break in the toolbar.

view plain print about
1FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["MyCustomToolbar "] = [
2 ['Source','DocProps', '-'],
3 ['Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteWord','-','Print','SpellCheck'],
4 ['Undo','Redo','Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','RemoveFormat'],
5 '/',
6 ['Outdent','Indent'],
7 ['TextColor','BGColor'],
8 ['Bold','Italic','Underline'],
9 ['JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyFull'],
10 '/',
11 ['Style','FontFormat','FontName','FontSize'],
13 ['FitWindow']
14 ];

The only thing this does not do that I would like it to is automatically expand the textarea when the content reaches a certain point, like this:

Things to watch out for

  • The Toolbar value is a JavaScript variable, so it is case sensitive.
  • If you edit the fckconfig.js file you will need to flush your browser cache. It's a Javascript file and both Internet Explorer and FireFox will cache it.
  • The toolbar dimensions are included in the size attributes of the textarea in some browsers. Test in Internet Explorer 6 and 7, you might find that the Toolbar takes up the whole textarea, with no actual space for the content.
  • The order of the toolbar elements will actually re-order them in the display.

Adobe docs on the cftextarea tag :

Adobe docs on defining custom toolbars:

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# Posted By santa90 | 28/09/2015 10:42
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