Shaun Mccran

My digital playground


Cookies in ColdFusion - cfcookie or cfset?

Cookies are a platform independent scope, by this I mean that even though we can create and manipulate them in ColdFusion, they are not inherently ColdFusion technology. Cookies are ideal if you want to access data at a browser level, in ANY technology, (cfml, asp, javascript etc), and they are also a good way to store non critical data on a users browser. They basically work by sending their data to the browser instance, to be used as temporary storage.

ColdFusion can create, edit and delete cookies quite easily, but what are the functional differences in how you create them? Is one way better than another?

I had previously written some cookie based functionality to remember where a user was when they logged (or timed) out of an application. This meant that when they logged back in they could be redirected to where they were, rather than just dumped on the homepage.

This worked very well until I started rolling out multiple instances of this application. The problem then is that using this way of setting the cookie does not allow you to set any of the other cookie properties, and it only last for THAT browser session, so it's not very long lived. Also without setting the domain and path for the cookie my application was picking cookies created in other instances of the app. A kind of cookie scope bleed through.

You can set cookie values much like any other ColdFusion variable statement:

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1<cfset cookie.requestedTemplate = 'index.cfm?' & cgi.query_string>

This routine was called on every page load, so I am simply overwriting the same cookie value on each page request.

Writing the cookie to the client browser like this does not allow you to set any other of the cookies properties, such as the domain, path and expiry (Adobe docs link:

Using the cfcookie tag you can easily create these:

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1<cfset request.cookieValue = 'index.cfm?' & cgi.query_string>
2<cfset request.cookiePath = listFirst(cgi.script_name,'/')>
3<cfset request.cookiePath = '/' & request.cookiePath & '/'>
5<cfcookie name="requestedTemplate" value="#request.cookieValue#"

In this way you can fully control which domain, and even which site a cookie belongs to. This sends the client a much more strict cookie value.

I'm almost surprised that you cannot address the cookie as a struct.

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1<cfset cookie.requestedTemplate.expires = never>

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Jeremy Halliwell's Gravatar One drawback of cfcookie is it always generates upper case names so if you want to create or delete mixed case cookies you need to use <cfheader> instead
# Posted By Jeremy Halliwell | 15/09/2010 09:37
Shaun McCran's Gravatar That is a weird 'feature' of cookie handling! Especially as cookies aren't supposed to have to rely on the platform technology in any way. If I create a cookie in JavaScript that is cased in some way then my cfcookie tag can't address the variable!
# Posted By Shaun McCran | 15/09/2010 09:54
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