Shaun Mccran

My digital playground


Getting Video thumbnails from YouTube

I want to display an image thumbnail on a page, so that a user can click on it and the video will pop up in a lightbox. But how do I get a thumbnail image of the video I want? This article shows you how you can quickly and easily use a Youtube URL to get video thumbnails.

There is a demo of this here:

Youtube has an API you can use to pull down data on a video, including several thumbnail images, if you don't want to get your head around that they also have a URL you can use.

view plain print about
1 video id /#.jpg
2use 1,2,3 for thumbs
3use 0 for a large image
You can use the URL above along with the video ID from the 'embed' code on Youtube and either 1,2,3 (replace the #) to get a thumbnail image. The thumbnails seem to be roughly from the start, middle and end based on the number.

I have put together a small CFC that accepts a video id and returns a structure of thumbnail URL's.

view plain print about
1<cffunction name="get" access="public" output="false" returntype="struct" hint="I get the url paths for the you tube video sent in">
3<cfargument name="videoId"
4    type="string"
5    required="true"
6    hint="Video id to use">

8<cfset var youTubeUrl = "">
9<cfset var thumbData = structNew()>
11<cfset thumbData['thumb1'] = youTubeUrl & arguments.videoId & "/1.jpg">
12<cfset thumbData['thumb2'] = youTubeUrl & arguments.videoId & "/2.jpg">
13<cfset thumbData['thumb3'] = youTubeUrl & arguments.videoId & "/3.jpg">
15<cfset thumbData['thumbWidth'] = "120">
16<cfset thumbData['thumbHeight'] = "90">
18<cfset thumbData['full'] = youTubeUrl & arguments.videoId & "/0.jpg">
20<cfset thumbData['fullWidth'] = "480">
21<cfset thumbData['fullHeight'] = "360">
23        <cfreturn thumbData>
24    </cffunction>

There is a demo of this here:

Maybe for a next version I may add cfhttp calls to download the images and store them locally.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Raymond Camden's Gravatar Would you like to contribute this to the youtube CFC project i have over on RIAForge?
# Posted By Raymond Camden | 28/03/2011 23:10
Shaun McCran's Gravatar Hi Ray, Yes that would be good, if you think it fits.

Its this one?
# Posted By Shaun McCran | 28/03/2011 23:15
Raymond Camden's Gravatar Yep - if you want to download/add/send to me I'll double check/SVN it in/be done with it. ;)
# Posted By Raymond Camden | 28/03/2011 23:18
Aaron's Gravatar Here's a lesser known trick - Append 'hq' before the number and you'll get the HD image.

So, I'd refactor and have a size argument ('small' or 'large') passed in and then return the appropriate 120x90 or 480x360 thumbnail image.

Note: default.jpg/0.jpg gets the sd/hd default image (not hd0.jpg)
# Posted By Aaron | 30/03/2011 04:19
Shaun McCran's Gravatar Hi Aaron,

Good tips! Thanks!

I wasn't aware of the HD versions, I'll have a tinker with it and see what the difference in image quality is.
# Posted By Shaun McCran | 30/03/2011 08:47
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