Shaun Mccran

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JQuery datatable with added FancyBox and auto refresh

Recently I've had a few questions about how to use the datatables plugin to display data, and also integrate a pop up or lightbox function. The pop up would have an edit form in it, and when the user completes the edit the light box goes away and the datatable refreshes.

This is relatively straightforward to do, but there are several key concepts to getting everything working correctly, so I've broken it down into a few chunks.

You can see an example of a datatable with added FancyBox here.

Firstly we cannot use the standard method of calling a datatable. We need to load it into a JavaScript function rather than just using the document.ready() method. This is because we need to check if it exists, and we need to be able to refresh it in code, and we can't do that unless it has a reference.

Below is the code to create the datatable as a JavaScript function. Notice that what it does is check if a reference exists 'dTable' and if it doesn't it runs the datatable code. If it does exist then it runs the dTable.fnDraw() method instead, which causes the datatable to refresh itself. All the other datatable code remains the same.

view plain print about
1<s/cript type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
2        function getData()
3            {
4            if (typeof dTable == 'undefined') {
6            dTable = $('#displayData').dataTable( {
7            // All the rest of the datatable code goes here
8            });
9            }
10        else
11        {
12            dTable.fnDraw();
13        }
15    }

Next I want to change the JSON from the remote cfc. Instead of passing the id value back in the JSON response I want to change it into a link for my pop up event. In the loop that creates the JSON I find the id value, and switch it out for a hyperlink, and give it a class of pop-up. I am also adding the id in as the element id, so that I can pick it up and pass it to our pop up window.

Be careful with your quoted values at this point, quotes may interfere with your JSON.

view plain print about
1<cfif variables.index EQ 'id'>
2    <a class=pop-up id=#rResult[variables.i][rResult.currentRow]#>Edit</a>
4    #rResult[variables.i][rResult.currentRow]#

So now the datatable will have a link in it as the first element. The next part of this puzzle is attaching a JQuery selector to the 'pop-up' class on our link. As the links are loaded in dynamically we cannot just give them a regular selector. We need to bind the event using the live() JQuery event method. This is a really powerful JQuery method, I won't go into depth about what it does here, but Ben Nadel has written a great entry about it here: , I'd advise reading it and making sure you are clear on what its doing.

view plain print about
1<s/cript type="text/javascript">
4    // pop up handler
5    $( ".pop-up" ).live(
6        "click",
7            function( event ){
9            // get the id of the item clicked on
10            var id = $(this).attr('id');
12            $.fancybox({
13                'overlayOpacity'        : 0.5,
14                'href'    : 'blank.cfm?id=' + id,
15                'onClosed'        : function() {
16                    getData();
17                    alert('data table reloaded');
18                    }
19                });
21                // block the href actually working
22                return( false );
23                                }
24            );
26        // load the datatable
27        getData();
28    });

You can see above we are looking out for a click on any elements that exist, or are created with a class of 'pop-up'. Then we attach the fancybox plugin to them. I'm also reading the id value and using it in the href url call. In this way we can pass in the id of the record clicked on.

The fancybox plugin has a 'onClosed' option, which allows you to specify code to run when the lightbox closes through any method. in the example above I am running the getData() function, which as the datatable already exists will simply reload it.

The very last line is where you tell the page to load the datatable, as it is no longer within a document.ready() it will not auto load.

You can see an example of a datatable with added FancyBox here.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
ripwit's Gravatar Nice.

I'm looking to do something similar by having the popup edit box be triggered by a double-click on a table cell and using the ckeditor plugin to update the contents.
# Posted By ripwit | 20/05/2011 03:19
Shaun McCran's Gravatar That would be pretty straight forward, as there is already a double click handler event in JQuery.

I guess you are trying to replicate a desktop environment?
# Posted By Shaun McCran | 20/05/2011 10:26
Steve 'Cutter' Blades's Gravatar Did you see the custom CF Query extension I wrote for DataTables?
# Posted By Steve 'Cutter' Blades | 20/05/2011 13:46
ripwit's Gravatar @Shaun - well, not so much desktop (old school) as RIA (new) <grin>.
I currently have a simple data entry/edit web page where the users type into a ckeditor textarea, specifying each column and row by agonizing row. The results are displayed as a grid so I just thought I'd make the grid editable. Since the ckeditor menus,etc. take up so much real-estate I thought I would do a pop-out window for the edits along with a Cancel and Apply button. There would be a Save for the whole page of applied edits.

@Steve - I had looked at the DataTables plugin for another purpose but hadn't seen your extension for it. I will take a look.
# Posted By ripwit | 20/05/2011 14:34
Shaun McCran's Gravatar @Steve I hadn't seen that, thanks its great, next time I put together a datatable I'll look to integrate it.

@ripwit, ah, I see what you mean now. you can make each of the data items editable easily enough using the API. I'd be tempted to save each action as the user exits the editable boxes, maybe using an ajax request. That way there isn't one big commit at the end of the process.
# Posted By Shaun McCran | 20/05/2011 15:01
Mona's Gravatar Steve,
How can I now add a pencil image for some of the columns to allow the user to edit.
The fancybox works correctly now. I am using the server side.
# Posted By Mona | 02/06/2011 04:56
Mona's Gravatar Thanks Shaun,
I have most things working now thanks to you. I would like to see how to add a date range filter to one of the columns. I am using your server side code. I have the two date called min and max on the page.
# Posted By Mona | 08/07/2011 10:45
Shaun's Gravatar Hi Mona,

Good to see that you have it working. You could use a datepicker plugin to add a min and max date value fields, that way when the date fields are filled in you trigger the json request passing in the values.

You'd have to amend the sql on the back end, giving it another where clause for the date fields.
# Posted By Shaun | 10/07/2011 04:34
Mona's Gravatar Shaun,
I got it working thanks so much!!
# Posted By Mona | 15/07/2011 04:21
Shaun McCran's Gravatar Mona,
That's great! Do you have a version online that we can see?
# Posted By Shaun McCran | 15/07/2011 04:31
Mona's Gravatar Would you like me to add the code to this page or should i attach a doc with source file?
# Posted By Mona | 20/07/2011 06:22
Shaun's Gravatar Hi,
You could send me the code and I'll host it here.
# Posted By Shaun | 21/07/2011 13:58
Fery Wardiyanto's Gravatar Nice tutorial. thanks
# Posted By Fery Wardiyanto | 09/12/2011 08:39
Andrew Paget's Gravatar I found the tutorial very good but I have just one question.

When the record is updated (or the fancybox is closed, as in the demo), I note the table refreshes back to very first page of the recordset. Is it possible to instead to remain on the same page of the recordset so that the user could see that the record they clicked the edit button for was in fact updated (for eample, I could include a 'Last Updated' column on the table too)
# Posted By Andrew Paget | 07/08/2012 02:04
Marc's Gravatar hi,

The files of this demo are downloadable somewhere ?
Thanks a lot,

# Posted By Marc | 03/12/2014 01:10
Jenny's Gravatar I think it will be very helpful to the users with the addition of FancyBox and auto refresh in the JQuery data table. I saw the new data table and it looks so easy to understand each command in the data table.
# Posted By Jenny | 25/05/2015 20:45
Ninsaa's Gravatar JQuery datatable avec FancyBox ajoutée et rafraîchissement automatique
# Posted By Ninsaa | 23/06/2015 00:11
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# Posted By cardsharing | 08/10/2015 00:03
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Thanks a lot,
# Posted By | 10/10/2015 05:30
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# Posted By Dan Smart | 19/10/2015 10:39
amyahlom's Gravatar Jquery is an excellent framework!
# Posted By amyahlom | 19/10/2015 10:40
cccam server's Gravatar That would be pretty straight forward, as there is already a double click handler event in JQuery.
# Posted By cccam server | 27/10/2015 23:19
Erik Mentz's Gravatar I don't understand; I'm working with jquery on my website and you added this
if (typeof dTable == 'undefined') {
6 dTable = $('#displayData').dataTable( {
7 // All the rest of the datatable code goes here
8 });
9 }

Where can I find the rest of the database code?
# Posted By Erik Mentz | 30/10/2015 09:31
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# Posted By Never Lose Him | 04/11/2015 02:21
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# Posted By cccam server | 07/11/2015 01:15's Gravatar This is relatively straightforward to do, but there are several key concepts to getting everything working correctly, so I've broken it down into a few chunks.
# Posted By | 08/11/2015 02:53
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# Posted By cccam server | 11/11/2015 21:35
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