Shaun Mccran

My digital playground


Forcing the dollar ($) Namespace within your JQuery functions

Whilst documenting some Open Source platforms for an upcoming project I found that several of the larger more prominent Open Source software solutions perform some subtle tweaks to included JavaScript libraries. In this case JQuery.

This is a short post on ho to ensure that the $ character always represents the JQuery library in your framework.

Drupal and Wordpress have a habit of controlling resource libraries through their own interface layer. This means that within a Drupal framework the $ reference no longer points to the JQuery library as is the default.

You can force this with the no conflict code found here, or alternately you can wrap any of your own functions or plugins with a small piece of code that re-references the dollar ($).

view plain print about
1(function ($) {
3 // Original JavaScript code.

Pretty simple, but probably a good thing to do to any JQuery plugins you write.

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sunny's Gravatar I wanted to learn Javascript and so that I have tried many resources to get the sufficient information. I think this website is very much enough for my requirements. So thank you for helping me to get the desired contents.
# Posted By sunny | 04/06/2015 09:18
Farrah's Gravatar These open source programs of upcoming projects are very essential in modifying the most of the software solutions. I suppose to use them for my blog. Trying to incorporate the new style of technology.
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