Shaun Mccran

My digital playground


iPhone 4 vs htc Evo 4G Fanboy video

I don't normally (re) post other blog entries, or link to hosted videos, but I'm making an exception for this one.

Its a short video exploring the extremes of fanboy-ism. Its not necessarily a dig at Apple or the iPhone, its just a good example of how hype can overrule consumers making informed decisions about their purchases.

Oh, and its hilarious. Its actually had me crying with laughter. (Features some bad language).

Credit goes to for posting it first:

After having a dig around I have also found that the guy who made it is a best buy employee, and they are attempting to fire him because of it!

Techcrunch have an article dealing with it:

It highlights pretty well how some of the large corporates are out of touch with the real world, and just how badly they can misinterpret how the interenet works, and what the public opinion will be.

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